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What Banks Should Consider When Adopting Analytics
By Tim VanTassel There’s an iconic moment in Jurassic Park when discussing the value of creating genetically engineered dinosaurs, Jeff Goldblum’s skeptical Dr. Ian Malcolm says: “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” I think with a slight tweak, today’s bank executives would be […]
4 Reasons Why It’s Critical to Integrate Front and Back-Office Data
By Eran Gil—For many businesses, despite best-in-class architecture, the front-end and back-end of their company exist as two functioning but separate parts of the whole enterprise. The front-end is where the customer interacts, but there is little to no integration with the behind the scenes back-end where the cogs are turning and the data is […]
Great Cloud Migration Opens Data Opportunities
By Alex Woodie–We’re in the midst of a massive cloud migration at the moment, as companies look to take advantage of the scalability and simplicity of storing and processing data in the cloud. But connecting the dots between on-premise data sources and AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure repositories is easier said than done. That’s also […]
‘Data Scientist’ Title Evolving Into New Thing
By Alex Woodie—Who is a data scientist, and what do they do? It’s a worthy question, and one that’s been asked an untold number of times over the years. But now it appears the job definition of the data scientist is changing into something new. The big question, then, is what replaces it? The traditional […]
Improving Risk Evaluation Through Advanced Analytics
By Ali Akbari The data we generate and copy annually doubles in size every two years, and IDC says it will reach 44 trillion gigabytes by 2020. That creates significant new opportunity for business. Indeed, as The Economist has noted, data has become more valuable than oil. In the case of data, there’s a lot of […]
10 Big Data Trends to Watch in 2019
By Alex Woodie We seek ever more data for a good reason: it’s the commodity that fuels digital innovation. However, turning those huge data collections into actionable insight remains a difficult proposition. Organizations that find solutions to formidable data challenges will be better positioned to economically benefit from the fruits of digital innovation. With that […]
2018 Roundup Of Internet Of Things Forecasts And Market Estimates
By Louis Columbus IoT is the cornerstone of many organizations’ digital transformations, enabling them to optimize existing operations and excel at creating and pursuing exciting new business models.Getty Worldwide technology spending on the Internet of Things to reach $1.2T in 2022, attaining a CAGR of 13.6% over the 2017-2022 forecast period according to IDC. IoT […]
Global DataSphere to Hit 175 Zettabytes by 2025, IDC Says
By Alex Woodie The data we have now is huge. But size, it turns out, is a relative thing. And according to the IDC, the sum of the world’s data – the DataSphere — will grow from 33 zettabytes in 2018 to a mind-boggling 175ZB by 2025. That robust 61% compound annual growth rate for […]
Deep Learning Is Great, But Use Cases Remain Narrow
by Alex Woodie Deep learning is all the rage these days, and is driving a surge in interest around artificial intelligence. However, despite the advantages that deep neural networks can bring for certain applications, the actual use cases for deep learning in the real world remain narrow, as traditional machine learning methods continue to […]
Models Will Run the World
By Steven A. Cohen and Matthew W. Granade Marc Andreessen’s essay “Why Software is Eating the World” appeared in this Wall Street Journal newspaper Aug. 19, 2018. Mr. Andreessen’s analysis was prescient. The companies he identified— Netflix , Amazon, Spotify—did eat their industries. Newer software companies—Didi, Airbnb, Stripe—are also at the table, digging in. Today […]