Hadoop- Metadata Scalability

| June 5, 2011

As the cluster grows, the metadata requires more memory. One petabyte of storage requires one gigabyte of memory.

 Discovering data across different systems becomes a significant challenge.

The Road Ahead as described by Anil Madan, eBay-Director of Engineering, Analytics Platform Development

“Here are some of the challenges we are working on as we build out our infrastructure:

In its current incarnation, the master server NameNode has scalability issues. As the file system of the cluster grows, so does the memory footprint as it keeps the entire metadata in memory. For 1 PB of storage approximately 1 GB of memory is needed. Possible solutions are hierarchical namespace partitioning or leveraging Zookeeper in conjunction with HBase for metadata management.

NameNode’s availability is critical for production workloads. The open source community is working on several cold, warm, and hot standby options like Checkpoint and Backup nodes; Avatar nodes switching avatar from the Secondary NameNode; journal metadata replication techniques. We are evaluating these to build our production clusters.

Data Discovery
Support data stewardship, discovery, and schema management on top of a system which inherently does not support structure. A new project is proposing to combine Hive’s metadata store and Owl into a new system, called Howl. Our effort is to tie this into our analytics platform so that our users can easily discover data across the different data systems.

Data Movement
We are working on publish/subscription data movement tools to support data copy and reconciliation across our different subsystems like the Data Warehouse and HDFS.

Enable good Retention, Archival, and Backup policies with storage capacity management through quotas (the current Hadoop quotas need some work). We are working on defining these across our different clusters based on the workload and the characteristics of the clusters.

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics
We are building robust tools which generate metrics for data sourcing, consumption, budgeting, and utilization. The existing metrics exposed by some of the Hadoop enterprise servers are either not enough, or transient which make patterns of cluster usage hard to see.”


Category: Metadata Scalability

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