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Smart Farming and IoT Solutions Empower Farmers

| February 21, 2023
<strong>Smart Farming and IoT Solutions Empower Farmers</strong>

By Wittra Sweden-Farming is a complex, dynamic, highly competitive industry, especially since finding help has become quite complicated. Farmers need to boost production to meet growing demand while maintaining, and ideally, growing revenue. Technology advances, like IoT and smart farming, are options that offer them that ability. Plus, with the exponential growth of the world […]

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Big Things Ahead for AI in 2023: Predictions

| January 14, 2023
<strong>Big Things Ahead for AI in 2023: Predictions</strong>

By Alex Woodie–The AI train has been gaining steam for several years now, and nothing appears ready to stop it (except for bad data, that is). With momentum building, which direction will AI head in 2023? We leave that to the experts. Many AI projects are ill-conceived and ultimately fail for that reason. In 2023, […]

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Mastering the Mesh: Finding Clarity in the Data Lake

| December 10, 2022
<strong>Mastering the Mesh: Finding Clarity in the Data Lake</strong>

By Alex Woodie— Data lakes are great in theory, but their application in the real world often leaves the user wanting more. A data mesh is one approach to cleaning up chaos left by data lakes and the resulting swing back to data decentralization. A related technique prospective data mesh users may want to check […]

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Data and Analytics Investments Seen as Solid Despite Looming Recession

| November 16, 2022
<strong>Data and Analytics Investments Seen as Solid Despite Looming Recession</strong>

By Alex Woodie–Inflation eased a bit in October, but many economists are still predicting a recession will start in 2023, thanks to rising interest rates. Despite the glum overall economic forecast, spending on data, analytics, and AI projects are projected to remain solid, and perhaps will even grow, as business transformation and cloud are perceived […]

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Compute Storage Cloud Infrastructure in 2Q22

| October 21, 2022
Compute Storage Cloud Infrastructure in 2Q22

Increased 22% Y/Y to $22.6 billion. This is a Press Release edited by on October 6, 2022 at 2:02 pm According to the International Data Corporation‘s Worldwide Quarterly Enterprise Infrastructure Tracker: Buyer and Cloud Deployment, spending on compute and storage infrastructure products for cloud deployments, including dedicated and shared IT environments, increased 22.4% Y/Y in 2Q22 […]

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The Rise of the Business Technologist

| September 7, 2022
The Rise of the Business Technologist

By MuleSoft–As the pressure to deliver seamless digital experiences for customers and employees grows, so does the demand on IT departments. The volume of digital initiatives doubled during the pandemic, making it even more difficult for already stretched teams to keep up with the needs of the business. IT teams also found themselves pulled away […]

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These 15 Data Fabrics Made the Cut in Forrester’s Wave

| August 10, 2022
These 15 Data Fabrics Made the Cut in Forrester’s Wave

By Alex Woodie– If you’re in the market for a data fabric, then you might be interested in a recent report from Forrester, which published a Wave report in June detailing the pros and cons of more than a dozen data fabrics offerings. Enterprises that are struggling to manage big data for advanced analytics and […]

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Coding for the Edge: Six Lessons for Success

| July 8, 2022
Coding for the Edge: Six Lessons for Success

By Josh Johnson–Edge computing is expanding dramatically as organizations rush to realize the benefits in latency, flexibility, cost, and performance that the edge can deliver. IDC estimates that global spending on edge hardware, software and services will top $176 billion in 2022—a 14.8% increase over the prior year—reaching $274 billion by 2025.  So it’s likely that your […]

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Cryptocurrencies and NFTs Are 100% Based on Greater Fool Theory says Bill Gates

| June 15, 2022
Cryptocurrencies and NFTs Are 100% Based on Greater Fool Theory says Bill Gates

Wall Street Journal By Alyssa Lukpat: Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates said he thinks cryptocurrencies and NFTs are “100%” based on the greater fool theory. The 66-year-old billionaire was referring to the notion that overvalued assets will keep going up because there are enough people willing to pay high prices for them. He joked that […]

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Cybersecurity Research: 76% of Organizations Admit Paying Ransomware Criminals

| May 27, 2022
Cybersecurity Research: 76% of Organizations Admit Paying Ransomware Criminals

By Storage Newsletter- Businesses are losing the battle when it comes to defending vs. ransomware attacks, according to the Veeam2022 Ransomware Trends Report, which found that 72% of organizations had partial or complete attacks on their backup repositories, impacting the ability to recover data without paying the ransom. Veeam Software, Inc. found that 80% of successful attacks […]

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