About Us
Centers of Excellence include:
1-The Big Data AI & IoT Forum is an industry organization dedicated to providing information and solutions about the massive growth of Artificial Intelligence using Big Data and the Internet of Things. Our vision is to provide a Forum for customers to discuss their application and how they will implement AI into the workflow.
How is AI used with big data?
AI makes big data analytics simpler by automating and enhancing data preparation, data visualization, predictive modeling, and other complex analytical tasks that would otherwise be labor-intensive and time-consuming. AI helps users work with, manipulate, and surface actionable insights faster from large, complex datasets. In addition, cloud-based services for ubiquitous delivery of analytics over a communication channel and scale any number of connected devices and voluminous data.
2-SDSU Centers of Excellence
The role of the CIO in today’s world is changing because of cloud computing, IoT and the focus on analytics. The Cloud Storage and IoT Centers create a unique opportunity for SDSU students to be prepared for the changing business environment. They can gain extremely valuable knowledge with hands-on experience with the rush to cloud computing and how to develop IoT applications that impact business decisions focused on analytics with devices embedded in the workflow.